Relevant fields in the ERP system

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Relevant fields in the ERP system

In spare parts management, both short-term and long-term developments are crucial for success. Whether short-term delivery bottlenecks from suppliers or machine downtimes due to a lack of spare parts, or simply unused spare parts stocks that eat up more and more money in the long term. It is therefore all the more important that the material master is kept clean and always up-to-date at the data level and enriched with the necessary information for quick, clear identification and procurement of spare parts. For this reason, some fields in the ERP system are required to ensure that the existing data can be regularly updated with original manufacturer information.

To work seamlessly with SPARETECH, new fields must be created in the customer's ERP system. The following overview explains each field in detail.

New creation ID

Mandatory for: Workflow

What is the new creation ID?

The new creation ID is used to track and synchronize the status of a newly created material. The system uses the new creation ID to recognize whether the material was successfully created in the ERP system after it was created in SPARETECH.

The new creation ID is mandatory for the workflow product, as otherwise the system cannot recognize the newly created material. The material number is generated in the customer's ERP system after the new creation in SPARETECH.

New creation ID: 1759356

How does the New Creation ID help me?

With the help of the New Creation ID it is possible to have an exact overview of all new, exported and completed new installations in the SPARETECH App at any time.

What do I need to know about the properties of the New Creation ID field so that our IT staff can create the field in the ERP system?

The New Creation ID is a number. The more material new installations are performed within SPARETECH App, the more new and unused numbers are needed. For this reason it is recommended not to set a number limit for this field. The field should ideally be configured as a number field. There are two ways to do this: Either create a completely new custom field or use an existing field that is no longer needed for any other purpose. If an already existing field is reused for the New Creation ID and it is not possible to configure it as a number field, it is also an alternative to configure it as a text field, but still without a number limit.


Not mandatory, but recommended for: Search, Workflow, DLM/Insights, BOM Check

What is the SPARETECH ID?

The SPARETECH ID is a unique combination of letters and numbers and is assigned to exactly one product in the SPARETECH database. It thus serves as a unique identifier and enables easy product identification and faster searching.


How does the SPARETECH ID help me?

Basically, SPARETECH ID is used for two different topics: Data enrichment and search. The main benefit of the SPARETECH ID is that it enables the system to recognize whether data enrichment is necessary or not. If the SPARETECH ID is already stored in the data record of a material, either a data enrichment has already been performed or the material has been created via the SPARETECH database taking over the SPARETECH ID. If no SPARETECH ID is stored in the material, the system recognizes that a suggestion for data enhancement is useful and should be provided.

The second advantage concerns the search. Let's imagine we are looking for the ball bearing "6203" from the manufacturer FAG. Now, in the search of the SPARETECH app, not only the 6203 bearing from FAG is suggested to us, but also the 6203-2Z, 6203-C4, 6203-Z-THB and 6203-MA bearings. All different types that may have different characteristics. However, when we search with our unique SPARETECH ID, there is only one hit, and that is the correct one. Therefore, the SPARETECH ID speeds up the search and serves as a unique identifier.

What do I need to know about the properties of the SPARETECH ID field so that our IT staff can create the field in the ERP system?

The SPARETECH ID is 16 characters long and consists of a combination of letters and numbers. Therefore, it is recommended to configure the field as a free text field. There are two possibilities to do this: Either a completely new user-defined field is created or an existing field is used that is no longer needed for any other purpose.

Manufacturer, part number and product type designation

Not mandatory, but recommended for: Search, Workflow, DLM/Insights, BOM Check

What are Manufacturer, Article number and Typecode?

These fields contain the most important information used by our matching algorithm to uniquely identify the part. At least Manufacturer and Article number are required for identification. Without these fields, no unique identification is possible.
The Typecode is required for some manufacturers, but not all. An example where the type code is necessary for unique identification is the manufacturer Festo, especially for cylinders that can have different lengths - and these lengths are included in the Typecode. Therefore, for some manufacturers, the type code is also required. The completeness of this data has a direct influence on the hit rate.

Manufacturer: Festo Product number: 193991 Product type designation: DSNU-25-80-PPV-A-S2

How do Manufacturer, Article number and Typecode help me?

The more complete a material's data is in terms of manufacturer information and the better the structure of the information is (clearly defined, separate fields), the easier it is for maintenance personnel to identify these materials and for purchasing to order them.

What do I need to know about the properties of the Manufacturer, Article number, and Typecode fields so that our IT staff can create the field in the ERP system?

For most of our customers, these fields are already present in the material master, at least the manufacturer and the item number*. In some cases, the type code is not yet present in the material master. Therefore, this field has to be created. There are two ways to do this: Either a completely new user-defined field is created or an existing field is used that is no longer needed for another purpose. Since the type code differs greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer, it is recommended to use a text field without character limitation.

Note on general usage: In some cases, a technical name/code is used instead of the plain name for the manufacturer. For example: 4275 instead of Festo AG. In this case it is necessary to send the conversion list with the manufacturer name and the corresponding technical code to SPARETECH as well, so that our system can recognize the clear name of the manufacturer.

Note for SAP usage: Manufacturer (MFRNR) and article number (MFRNR) are standard fields which are already present.

Product name and Product description

Not mandatory, but recommended for: Search, Workflow, DLM/Insights, BOM Check

What are Product name and Product description?

These fields contain descriptions of a product. Product name: The product name is the short name of a product. Product description: The product description is the long text that can contain further information such as technical details or features.

Product name: Evaluation unit for temperature sensors.
Product description: Evaluation unit for temperature sensors; PNP/NPN; switching signal; IO-Link; (configurable); measuring range -100...600 °C / -148...1112 °F; G 1/2 external thread; M12 plug connection

How do Product name and Product description help me?

Mainly, these two fields help maintenance personnel to identify materials more easily and to know directly what part it is and where to look for it in the warehouse or on the machine.

What do I need to know about the properties of the Product Name and Product Description fields so that our IT staff can create the field in the ERP system?

Most of our customers already have these fields in the material master. Sometimes, instead of the product name, the order text field or something similar is used. If the fields do not yet exist in the material master, there are two possibilities: Either create a completely new custom field or use an existing field that is no longer needed for another purpose. It is recommended to create these two fields as text fields. Our experience has shown that the product name/short text sometimes has a character limit (50-100 characters).

Note for SAP usage: The product name/short text (MAKTX) is a standard field in SAP. There are several fields in SAP that can be used for product name/long text. They all have in common that they can only be imported into SAP via a custom report and not via a manual Excel upload. This should be taken into account when prioritizing IT resources.

EAN/GTIN, ECLASS category and ECLASS category name

Not mandatory, but recommended for: Search, Workflow, DLM/Insights, BOM Check

What are EAN/GTIN, ECLASS category and ECLASS category name?

These fields are the secondary information used on the one hand by our matching algorithm to uniquely identify the part (EAN/GTIN) and on the other hand to enable a product grouping (ECLASS).

Since EAN/GTIN numbers are unique and globally non-overlapping, they are used to identify items. Therefore, EAN/GTIN numbers are used for product identification, which means that EAN/GTIN numbers are also guiding for the matching algorithm. ECLASS category and ECLASS category name are not unique identifiers, but rather a classification system for grouping goods.

4001869181301 ECLASS Category name: 27141901 ECLASS Category name: Circuit breaker

How do EAN/GTIN, ECLASS category and ECLASS category name help me?

The EAN/GTIN is mainly used for the unique identification of a product, while the ECLASS category and category name mainly enable a good grouping, the analysis of material master data and the derivation of recommendations for action for certain groups of goods.

What do I need to know about the properties of the EAN/GTIN, ECLASS category and ECLASS category name fields so that our IT staff can create the field in the ERP system?

There are two possibilities: Either a completely new custom field is created or an existing field is used that is no longer needed for any other purpose. In most cases, the EAN number is 13 digits (numbers only), but there are exceptions, so we cannot give a clear recommendation. To be on the safe side, the field could be configured with a 15-digit limit, where only numbers are allowed.

The ECLASS category is always an 8-digit code (numbers only). Therefore, it is recommended to configure the field with an 8-digit limit and allow only numbers. The ECLASS category name is a class/category name, so it is recommended to configure the field as a text field with no character limit.

Note for SAP usage: EAN/GTIN (EAN) is a standard field that already exists.

Supplier and Supplier Article number

Not mandatory, but recommended for: Search, Workflow, DLM/Insights

What are Supplier and Supplier Article number?

These fields are tertiary information used by our matching algorithm to uniquely identify the part. Supplier and Supplier Part Number are used to order a part from a third party source and not directly from the producing manufacturer. The SPARETECH database contains not only the original manufacturer information, but also the supplier information. This allows our algorithm to uniquely identify the part from a manufacturer with conversion of the supplier part number. Therefore, the supplier and supplier part number are also guiding for the matching algorithm.

How do Supplier and Supplier Article number help me?

The completeness of the supplier information not only guides the matching algorithm and thus increases the matching rate, but also makes purchasing easier and faster.

What do I need to know about the properties of the Vendor and Vendor Item Number fields so that our IT staff can create the field in the ERP system?

For most of our customers, these fields already exist in the material master. If not, there are two options: Either create a completely new custom field or use an existing field that is no longer needed for another purpose. It is recommended to configure both fields as text fields without character limit.

SAP usage note: Vendor (LIFNR) is a standard field that already exists.

Configurable product and Configuration information

Optional for: Search, Workflow, DLM/Insights, BOM Check

What are configurable and configuration information?

A product is called configurable as soon as one can freely select further configuration information (e.g. length) without this being reflected in the article number or type code of the corresponding part. The consequence is that this configuration information must absolutely be displayed in the ordering process - otherwise the order cannot be completed successfully because relevant information is missing.

Configurable is the field that highlights with an "X" whether the part is configurable or not. Configuration information is the field that contains the configuration information (e.g. L=2000mm).

Example: Rexroth ball rail with part number R160520331. This part cannot be ordered without additional information because ball rails can usually be ordered in custom lengths and therefore require the length information. Configurable: X Configuration information: L=2000mm

How do configurable and configuration information help me?

The constant completeness of all information on configurable parts simplifies the ordering process and reduces the effort required for technical clarification cases.

In addition, the completeness of configuration information simultaneously increases the matching rate (background: only fully configured parts that have all necessary information in the material master can be uniquely assigned by the SPARETECH algorithm).

What do I need to know about the properties of the Configurable and Configuration Information fields so that our IT staff can create the field in the ERP system?

Most of the customers we work with do not have these two fields. It is an advantage if at least the Configuration field is created. There are two ways to do this: Either create a completely new custom field or use an existing field that is no longer needed for another purpose. It is recommended to configure the Configurablefield as a text field with a 1-character limit or as a drop-down field with only one value (X).

There are three options for the Configuration Information field: Either create a completely new custom field or use an existing field that is no longer needed for another purpose. A third possibility would be to include the configuration information in another field (e.g. product type code, product description or similar) - it is important that the maintenance staff is aware of this and that the configuration is somehow separated from the rest (e.g. with the symbol | ). It is recommended to configure this field as a free text field without character limit.

Status, Discontinuation date, Successor article number and Successor typecode

Optional for: Search, Workflow, DLM/Insights, BOM Check

What are Status, Discontinuation date, Successor article number and Successor typecode?

These fields represent the obsolescence information of a part. It is common for many manufacturers to release information about the discontinuation of their parts. Obsolescence information is important because it signals to the customer that the part will no longer be produced and sold by the original manufacturer in the future.

SPARETECH distinguishes between three states: Active (the part is still available from the original manufacturer). Discontinued (the part is still available from the original manufacturer, but it is announced that it will not be available in the near future) Discontinued (the part is no longer available from the original manufacturer).

If the manufacturer publishes information about the date of expiration/discontinuation, SPARETECH will also provide this date.

If the manufacturer releases information about a successor product, SPARETECH will provide the Successor article number and typecode.

How do Status, Discontinuation date, Successor article number and Successor typecode help me?

When a part is discontinued by the original manufacturer, there are still some suppliers with remaining stocks for this part. In the future, however, the time will come when this part will also no longer be available from the supplier. The obsolescence information will then help to react quickly enough to discontinuations and order the potential successor product or a possible alternative product for the machines. This could reduce machine downtime.

What do I need to know about the properties of the Status, Discontinuation Date, Successor Part Number and Successor Product Type Description fields so that our IT staff can create the field in the ERP system?

There are two options: Either create a completely new custom field or use an existing field that is no longer needed for any other purpose. It is recommended to configure the field status as a drop-down field/value list with the three possible values: active, expiring and discontinued. The Discontinued Date field should be configured as a date field, which means that it only allows dates. The Successor Part Number and Successor Product Type Description fields should have the same configuration as the two fields described above: (manufacturer) part number and (manufacturer) product type designation. They have the same structure and the same requirements.

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