We are the creators of our product.

Engineering, Product and Design work as one team to deliver the best spare parts management software on the market.

<span>We are the creators of our product</span>.

Deployments per week


Great features per month


Application & Data Storages


We build the SPARETECH app..

The Engineering team designs, builds, and maintains the SPARETECH applications. We enable users to enhance their data by matching it against our database and linking it to available suppliers. We maintain a multi-million products database, which aggregates data from various different sources.

<span>We build the SPARETECH app.</span>.
Product & Design

We address today's problems with tomorrow's solutions.

Our team's mission is to develop a product that solves our users' problems while driving business growth. We aspire to understand the needs, goals and problems of users and solve them through our product. Product managers and designers work closely with developers to create state-of-the-art tech solutions that are valuable and actionable for our users.

We address today's problems with tomorrow's solutions.
Duong Le - Product Designer

"In addition to the great support and atmosphere in the team, we are encouraged to speak out openly. This creates an environment where we can ask questions and be creative in solving problems.''

Product Designer
Katharina Balakin - Product Manager

"We want to provide real value to our users instead of just delivering features. Here, this value-driven mindset and culture is strongly supported. So we feel empowered in the product team to really understand the customers and help them adapted to their needs. The courage to try new things and the openness to learn from mistakes make working in this environment so exciting."

Product Manager
Ruslan Peshchuk - Senior Software Engineer

"People with great technical expertise often can't communicate well with others. This is not the case at all at SPARETECH. Our technical solutions have a human face, we respect each other and accept the fact that sometimes we don't know or can't do something. That is where we help each other and make our team stronger. That's what motivates me to work every day."

Senior Software Engineer
Ellie Gerami
People & Culture

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